Write to your heart’s content.

We’ll worry about those pesky commas.

How can we help?

It’s easy to miss the mistakes in your writing. Whether you’re finishing your magnum opus, starting a blog, or applying to jobs, Hall & Quotes will polish your writing and make sure it’s error-free. Our services include correcting grammar, spelling and punctuation, ensuring consistency, checking format, highlighting unclear passages, and leaving feedback. Some issues come down to a simple rule, and some are a matter of style. We’ll send back an annotated copy of your document so you can finalize the changes that make sense to you.

Which is best for you?


  • Woman smiling at laptop with cup of tea beside her

    Content Proofreading

  • A South Asian person in her wheelchair takes notes by hand during a meeting. (Photo credit: Disabled and Here)

    Plagiarism Check

  • Woman with tattoos  in cafe smiling at laptop

    Social Media Proofreading

  • Woman working on laptop while sitting on the floor


  • blonde woman frowning while sitting in front of a laptop with a mug beside her

    Resume, CV, Portfolio

  • Man wearing watch taking notes at a table

    Rush Order + Combo Services (beta read + proofread)

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a writer in possession of a good story must be in want of a proofreader.”

not Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Get started with Hall & Quotes today.